Thursday, January 17, 2008

Irrevocability of the act

life is a chance to grow a soul, and the chance is for the soul to live a life..
the cries of pain reverberated in my heart, i long to alleviate the pain YOU bear..
i wish to provide a shelter, which is robustly build..
my candle burns at both ends, and i cant last even for an hour, moreover for a day? weeks? years? for a lifetime?
the occurrence of certain consequences is like a self-destruction to my soul..

"Before you were conceived I wanted you
Before you were born I loved you
Before you were here an hour I would die for you
This is the miracle of life."

-Maureen Hawkins-

my dedication to YOU..

don't worry YOU, i'll take away the woe, the pain, the suffering and the sin..
the reason why, lies beneath the soul within me..

my precious YOU..
i awe within, the looks u inherit..
i awe within, the joy and relish..
i awe within, i awe within.. your existence.. your presence..
heart YOU..

-W l .NIVAG-

1 comment:

justinsnakeliew said...

will rejoin YOU maybe not in this lifetime but the next...or maybe in a place where time and tide doesnt exist at all. YOU will always be in our hearts, may you be a mirror image or a different entity, YOU are always beautiful and loved from the very bottom of my heart. im sorry from the bottom of my black heart. may you look after us and take no grudge for you are loved...always....forever...Amitabha.