Thursday, February 25, 2010


knn, i am having rashes all over my body and running nose..
oh my, i'm uber tired and busy since the kick of 2010..
finally, i am havin a lil time to somehow blog a lil and my lodge is pretty dead.
i miss dozing off before 12 n waking up early in the morn..

-bites of mine-

-munches of me-

heck lotsa picto to be ditto on.. and more to come..
i've been pokering, 'chuk moong', ginrami, blackjack and yadas..
drinking from cny's eve till now and chumping 24/7, tar kei and soirees
-karaoke tomorrow night + buffet
-house visiting on fri and shopping. dang, i lost my cam's cable so i need to get one and yes mom, i'll exchange those currency tomorrow. newayz, usd raised a lil.. just a reminder for myself
-justin's b'day bash.. just got him this cute photoelectronic abc&123 learning device
-class commencing and yet i am still on my unofficial holiday
-vietnam trip
-thailand trip
-genting trip
that is all i can remember for now.
since i've stopped jotting down words on my planner, i am getting a lil jumbled up
bless me

just pondering, is there any place where i can get greentea frap now!
those craves are itching on me
i am going to start my gym right after vietnam, i'm ballooning up like shyt and i need to stop bulging before i have this frantic-ness on xxx.. lol
happy cny everyone