Monday, January 28, 2008


To me, photography is an art of observation. it's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... i've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.

i feel a lil better today..
but i am still kinda stoned and yet i am a lil sluggish..
it seems hard for my mind to digest any information i perceive..
i woke up kinda late today and i went to coffee bean with mark..
i went through the revision questions with all my might and main, and yet it was useless..
i'm slow pacing in time and incapable of it..
my tears were soaking de papers.. and yet, i am still helpless..
i went down for a break and i met Kev..

i sat down and we had a conversation.. and it lasted for hours..
we were talkin bout life, people, interest and etc..
i'm thankful fer de heartening and encouraging words..
i'm thankful fer seeing de good in me, which is resided in my soul..
i'm still amending all de 'ties' in my life, and yet i am always wat i am..
life affords no higher pressure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing on one step of success to another, forming new wishes and seeing them gratified..

oh yea, thanks to Za for encouraging me..
nevertheless, you also Mark..

-The Aurora-

it's beautiful, captivating and bewitching at de same time..
an optimist is a person who sees only de lights in de picture, whereas a pessimist sees only de shadows..

an idealist, however, is one who sees de light n the shadows, but in addition sees something else which is the possibility of changing the picture, of making de lights prevail over the shadows..

i wish dat i can have a smile where angels envy..

and a love where cupid covet..
i hope dat my inner light will shine one day, enlivening de dimness around me..

Saturday, January 26, 2008


i am still sick..
i am pretty worried bout de up coming paper..
i was admitted to T.D.M.C due to high fever (39.6 d.C), and i was given a jab.. it wasn't painful just dat i don't like it.. the settings n dat place reminded me of grandma..she was there before..when she was still alive..
i recall...i remember..i used to be there, comforting her..allaying her tension..being a jokester, tryin to brighten up her day a lil..
i do miss her.. =)
after days of medication, finally i'm slightly better..
my eyes are still watery, running nose and cough..
it makes me frail..lotsa things i wanted to do but i cant..
for days, i've been stuffing myself with bread..and plain water...
'*finger crossed* pls, let me recover soon, a rapid recuperation pls!!, i need it badly..'

these few days, i am acting kinda nonchalant..
i'm acting kinda cool, seeming to be unconcerned bout de things around me.. maybe my body is failin me frm doing so..
i am being forced to drink de rhinoHORN water...
oh fever, it seems dat we've created a bond between us.. i ain't a lodging spot for u.. so pls be kind to me..
i wish dat he's here, but yet i dont want to..
coz i dont wanna be a burden fer him..
well, i do miss him alot..

my senses is wearing thin n my mind is kinda blank..
i need to rest again..
all de best fer me then...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

-the little things-

i dunno why but i just love de phrase 'Coat it Lily-White'..
it seems to be something significant to me.. reminded me of a sang-froid milieu, perhaps the feeling of free from agitation.. de feelin of emptiness creeps in..
well, i am kinda ill now..
i'm havin a bad throat infection, running-nose, dry cough, fever, food poisonin, stomach ache and breath difficulty now.. hopefully, i will recover soon enuff.. exam is on next wednesday..gotta buckle up a.s.a.p.

i am getting a lil slothful nowadays, guess i'm officially a bum now..
well, noting myself a check list ere :
  • i went to Genting again with him, yrag and aunt. aunt went for JC's concert. while him, yrag and me walked around.. oh yea, we went to de ice was -16 d.C, i was shivering like shyt.. and i hurt my back, it aches badly..thou it was kinda icy and wintry inside, i like it alot..especially the 'fight' between me and Rag..thou he's kinda annoying, but i do like him..
  • i did something kinda over de top, well for my old ones, its an exorbitant thingy dat i shudnt do without gettin their consent.. watever it is, me lyk it and panda lurves it.. me cut my hair and me dyed it.. blueblack, blondeeee n brown..
gosh, i do look sick...

couple of days before, there were lotsa mishaps.. but i'm gonna endure it.. coz i aint a lil moppet anymore..
well, night is gettin weary and it's darn hard fer me to breathe now..
i need a good rest tonight..


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Irrevocability of the act

life is a chance to grow a soul, and the chance is for the soul to live a life..
the cries of pain reverberated in my heart, i long to alleviate the pain YOU bear..
i wish to provide a shelter, which is robustly build..
my candle burns at both ends, and i cant last even for an hour, moreover for a day? weeks? years? for a lifetime?
the occurrence of certain consequences is like a self-destruction to my soul..

"Before you were conceived I wanted you
Before you were born I loved you
Before you were here an hour I would die for you
This is the miracle of life."

-Maureen Hawkins-

my dedication to YOU..

don't worry YOU, i'll take away the woe, the pain, the suffering and the sin..
the reason why, lies beneath the soul within me..

my precious YOU..
i awe within, the looks u inherit..
i awe within, the joy and relish..
i awe within, i awe within.. your existence.. your presence..
heart YOU..

-W l .NIVAG-


it's been quite sometime..
i'm kinda tightlipped..
i'm suppressed with inarticulate sorrow..
but there's something i wud like to share..heretofore bygones of TODAY..


-Marky--de fogginess-

The structures..
  • taken at Putrajaya

  • taken at Segi College

  • my famlay.. a random candid shot taken during Andy's big 21

  • bowling at MV.. ( Chicken Queen, Prince Lim and Stoner )

i'm kinda scared..
clutter within, thorn within, tears gushing...

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Placidity of the Pathfinder

I've been counting the days on the calendar, time do pass me by..
time cools, time clarifies.. no mood can be maintained quite unaltered through the course of hours. past, present, it's just all arbitrary.

Adieu 2007 & Greetings 2008!

The night before saluting 2008, it was ordinary, but i'm happy and chock-fulled of blissfulness. he was there with me thru out de whole night and dat was what matters most to me, his hereness. the day is never gratifying without his presence. de morning kudow, de osculations, smooches & pillow fighto! its like a garden of flowers that were kissed by dew.. a consummate of happiness within the soul. me heart =)
But den, my soul,
You were there, residing at de corner of despair. the forlornness of the bygones chronicles struck you. u make me proud,u mustered all de strength within u and stomp thru. Clutching the past so tightly to your chest will leaves ur arms too full to embrace the present. like what Oscar Wilde quoted, "every saint has a past and every sinner has a future". attitude n wat u are within is de impact in life. its more important than facts..more important than de past, de education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. F*** those gossip mongers. for now, i have more to worry.. need to take great care of myself. my soul within, u have an innate capability where no one else hang in thea!

-took it while i was on de way home-

The first week of 2008 is ending soon and these are de highlights of it :
On wed, i went for a drink with Sam at MV just to catch up and i am glad dat everyone is doin well. and i was thinkin and considering bout de jobs he told me bout.. hmmzz..
Well, de next day, i went to MV again to catch up with Olivia and we had a 'H2H' chat. Sorry Oli's darling fer abiding the gabfest of two loquacious 'women'.. yoda yoda*
Although now, i am confronted by lotsa perplexities, asperities, difficulties and all de ties* but i know, he's there to pull me thru.. don't worry, i'll be fine baybIES.. =)
Oh yea, i went for a movie with him and his mates. we watched The House and its also known as BAN~PEE~SINK. well, i saw this on de net.. thou there were lotsa shoddy and cheappo tricks, but this movie was based on a true story.. *gulped..
neways, i'm havin my fruit and prawn salad now.. its sucha delicacy..
Oh yea, today i went to Tai Sui temple for praying.

-since 1870 till now-

-de altars -

-de wood carvings. distinctively unique-
the architecture of de edifice are made of woods, based on ancient chinese wooden architecture. de woods are interlocked together without using any nails.

-de roof and windows-

-faggot and me camwhorin-

after praying, we went fer makan at petaling street and de food they served at de corner shop was reli nice.. and bee promised to bring me thea, ONE DAY..
after a tiring morning, he came.. he's my shepherd.. shoo shoo de bunny..
lil bunny hop back to de burrow.. =)


Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Dear Santa,
Thank you for de GIFTS...

Dear 2007,
Thank you for the love and memories

Dear mylife,
You've completed me..

Dear soul,
Thank you for bearing with me

-the pathfinder-