Tuesday, December 11, 2007


i cant sleep..
i hardly sleep..
i'm just another coward n condemned soul..
me wanted to call him badly, but i cant.. he need rest and unwind himself after hectic hours..
today, again.. i exasperated him, by provoking his forbearance..
there's alot to tell, but i seem to be tightlipped.. me bein sucha sentient and emotional soul, dismantling me within lyk a substantial thing which is immune to woe, pain, agony and feelings.. i wish i could let everything out, but i just cant.. i just cant..
this month alone, we fought alot.. as in de word-of-mouth.. i know, i am de one to be blame..
today, he told me to afresh my brain whether am i takin de right path.. it hits me hard..all this while, all i struggle for is to be by yourside.. i do know i am lost and confused, where my mind is wholly fuddled up...
  • u used to ask why i cant sleep early
  • u used to ask why i am saddened and depressed
but did u reli dig into my soul and espy..
this month is a strenuous month fer me to endure and sustain, my soul.. my dark past haunt me.. my soul, you are being tormented.. endless of consternation.. endless of wakeful nights.. by de moment u shut ur eyes, they came.. they came appallingly and frightfully.. its like a rack dat crucify u my soul.. no one ever knew why.. for unending 3 years, i've endured it.. de first mental maltreatment in mylife.. where they pull u apart.. it's lyk a doom, a catastrophe.. goin thru everything alone... dat is why, i cant shut my eyes..
and till now, my soul, we're still in solitariness..
dat is why, i am clouded by my fearfulness...

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