Thursday, March 10, 2011

-Opposite Attracts-

-adios my lala hair-

im booking the flight now and yes, i am flying solo in two weeks time on the weekend..
seriously, i dont mind all the trouble.. and its the first time i am boarding solo..

btw, thank you for the quote that you told me..
'if you cant make it through the rain, you will never see the rainbow' =)
btw, i have the longest chatroom ever in whatsap whereby it totally lasted for almost a week n its uber active...till now..
btw, the main lead actor in Iris is effing hot.. and my nose nearly bleed by looking at him..
btw, im really going for the distance..

btw, i've been working out for almost 2 weeks.. VS is such an inspiration...but my abs and muscles are aching after doing set after sets..
btw, autumn's concerto is airing now in astro's AEC at 3 am.. well, i'm not really sure about the exact time but i really love the drama alot.. it brings back memories and make me realise alot.. whatever it is, vanness wu is hot and xiao le is uber cute..
btw, should i hit the club this weekend?

oh weatherman, please stop raining on me..

the date of the operation is set and i do hope everthing will be fine..
it worries me alot and whatever it is.. i'll try to sleep early..

相反的我 by 張芸京 is really meaningful..the lyrics are like a reflection of my mind...

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