Tuesday, August 31, 2010


oh baby baby baby babe
how long am i supposed to wait?
i think about you nightly
oh can u tell im loosin sleep?

the folded papers for offerings






Thursday, August 12, 2010


'I like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells. '
Dr. Seuss

Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keep friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

-Merry Go Round-

finally, after days of being bedridden.. i drag myself to the doc..
sigh, look at the size of the pill.. its effing hard to swallow..
the worst part was fatigue and drowsiness..



today aint a happy day for me
there are moments in life where u just have to suck it in
having a good anger management and self control doesnt work all the time
chattels compared to a person & life....
its just...
just too shallow...

Monday, August 02, 2010


day 2 since the very beginning of my journey
im still feeling unwell and i only feed on rocky sticks today
and my very first cup of coffee since 5 days
i have to get things done within this week
hopefully i recover a.s.a.p


-Punch Bag-

argghh, i cant freaking breathe. my nose are blocked..
im so used to sleeping sideways n its effing annoying when its blocked one sided..
and you, yes you.. mr.fever and his side kick, mr.sore throat.. you guys came along just at the right time. effing good combo..knn

i have my assignment to rush and i dont even know how to start..blardy corp. acc is driving me to the wall.
my eyes are watery and those medi are making me nausea and tired.. how i wish that someone will be there to take care of me..
my body aches and im having cramps on the leg..
even when i'm effing sick, i still have to carry tonnes of groceries and do the chores..
been trying to feed on some rice today and ive been drinking heaps of water.. where it annoys me when u are on pills, and u hv to drag urself to the toilet when ur sober and dizzy.
im feeling fatigue every morning and mood swings are killing me.. i just cant freaking help it!!
my feet is cold and my hands are sweaty..even sweater cant keep me warm..and the only thing i can chew on is strepsils.
and im feeling a little hungry now..thinking of chicken porridge makes my stomach growl -.-
im so so tired..
im so so cold..
im so so sleepy..
listening to 丁噹 -亲人..