Saturday, October 27, 2007


dey, this is my 2nd blog...
i'm kinda stonin de whole day..
me received a sms frm mark round' noon... we both jokers went to CB to buckle up our MACRO..
for lunch, i ordered a chicken lasagna..
eeeeewwwww!! its an instant-ravenous-butcher.. not a favor fer me thou.. i'mma chap-chap junkie.. query bout bloggies arises.. why do bloggers blog?
-coz its an 'it' thing now..
-or to convey messages round Robin Hood's barn to SOMEONE else....
-and bla bla...
to be honest, i'm kinda startle dat i actually blog.. *hangat-hangat tahi ayam lar tu!!
well, wanted to keep a track on things i've done, de came about, remembrance and all...
okay okay, back to my day...
after CB, i went to the maxis centre n inquire bout de maxis plan thingy.. and me changed my prepaid line to a fixed one now..
after dat, me went home and started off with my stint..i'm actually enjoying doin de house chores..
Simmy AKA Bumbling_WOMAN,did her thing again.. firstly, 'sorry dad, for causing fancy holes on ur fav shirt' bein dumb enuff to actually burned de heck i know de material is so delicate.. sigh... abandon this matter aside..
mumzy will be back by tomolo..and i m word her so much... yippie, get to see her soon!!
check check check, checkin on my cellular again.. -.-
pity me, gotta stick to my laptop.. and Sonic wud be my CRONY.. again....
sigh.. wat a lamer...
i'm sucha retard in language too..bahasa rojak lyk shyt..
sigh.. lagi lame...

i'm out... (-.-)

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