dear soul within,
the pathfinder finally found her predestined one
untainted and kindhearted he is
a big heart and a big forbearance he comprise of
a great soul he is within and a great man he will be
snowflakes will be our aspire
angel will be our keeper, the keeper of faith
through the thick and the thin
he is where home exist
he is where the source emanate
he is where faith will be
he is where life begins
he is the reason
"Yes, its okay to be afraid.
I get scared of the fear and its ripples. We’re not gonna make it out of this bumpy ride without scars and bruises on our feet, but I will still move. And I will carry you with these bleeding wounds. It is not pain to me, because I am not afraid of pain anymore."
i'll find you in the next chapter of our lives
one day, if you could ever remember or stumble upon a girl who sits alone by the bench gazing into nothingness
do greet her and she will hand out snowflakes to you
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