Thursday, January 15, 2009


there i am prancing in the meadow
abandoning the obfuscatory of existent
looking at the simplest thing and doting on unvarnished fine things

i've been coated lily white lately
unutterable is what defines the undescribable soul within

somehow somewhat i feel what she feels
she fathoms the 'unseen' and the 'to be seen'
she started the joke, but the joke was on me
and i started the joke, but the joke was on her
one step, tripped
two step, tottered
and three step still

finally, she giggles and cackled
looking at the puddle where she leap
turning her head around and there he is
the jester with the donk hard jumpers grinning at me
even though the speakable seems to be unspeakable
but yet, she fathoms the 'unseen' and the devotion

even though i might have tripped
but its nothing, but a mere scratch
and that lil gash will recover
because the jester with the donk hard jumpers is all worth it

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